Monthly Archives: March 2022



Expanding to higher version of you requires you to let go of negative stories you may have on a particular subject and reframe those stories to the way your highest self version sees this as. Practice putting all your attention on becoming the best version of you. Practice putting your focus in the mind of GOD. Practice listening the guidance of GOD Source Spirit, the soft loving inner guidance in each moment of the day. Practice being present. Practice the art of allowing. Allowing your inner guidance to lead you to the goodness in your life. Go walk in nature in a quiet place to hear the stillness in your heart.

Living from a place of ease, peace, relaxation and prosperity is being present in the moment. Allowing the new thoughts, emotions, embodiment, growth, learning wisdom and evolving to become a manifestation in your reality. You are in constant expansion practice doing your best to remain in a good feeling place within your emotions, mind and body.

Looking at the good things in your life and using those as wisdom teachings to help you grow in other areas in your life. A good question to ask yourself: What wisdom can I apply from this one specific area in my life  that is going well to the area I want to improve upon? How can I use what I already know to improve in this one area that is asking me to grow? Spend time reflecting on this and even journaling, allowing yourself to get deep in your story and reframing your story in a new and empowering way. Creating your own story is like writing your own movie. Your life is a movie of you being the director, star and everyone else whom is important to you being the stars as well.


Hug = Hug yourself, your family and everyone important to you.

Embrace = Embrace where you are to gain the pearls of wisdom in your expansion.

Align = Align your emotions, mind and body to that of GOD Source Spirit Your Highest Self.

Love = Love yourself, Love your family, Love everyone and Love everything.

Be creative in applying this in all areas of your life, for the happiness, joy and exhilaration the expansion brings you! Follow the divinity within you.

Interval Workout

Interval training is a powerful methodology to build a stronger heart. When you have a stronger heart your heart is capable of pumping more volume of blood for each beat, therefore you will have a lower resting heart rate.

Here is a good interval workout on the days you want off from your weight training.

1a. Kettlebell Swing 5 x 20
1b. Walk 5 x 1 minute
2a. Ski Ergometer 5 x 30 seconds
2b. Walk 5 x 1 minute

Note: 5 x 20 mean 5 sets of 20 repetitions and 5 x 1 minutes means 5 sets of 1 minute.

In exercises 1a, and 1b are to be performed immediately after each other. After you complete the 1b exercise you go right into the 1a exercise until you have done five sets. Do this the same for 2a and 2b. This interval workout should take you about 20 – 25 minutes total to complete.

Try this out for a few days this week and see how you can progress this. One way to start this program: on Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday, this week is do 3 sets, the following week 4 sets and the third week do 5 sets. Be creative and replace exercises to equipment you don’t have access to, to equipment you do have access to. For example if you don’t have a Ski Ergometer replace that exercise with an kettlebell abdominal exercise. Enjoy and have fun!

Affirmation of the Week

Affirmations reminds us the power within our own hearts regardless of what is going on outside of us.

“I am appreciating in following my GOD inner guidance and growing into my expansion.”


FOCUS and Dwell On The Good Things

What important things in your life that is strongly calling your attention? This strong calling is asking you to take care of the this while putting other things of lesser importance on to “come back when I am ready”. This is an important opportunity to FOCUS on that VERY IMPORTANT area in your life with easier attention. Simplifying your life so you can relax in this VERY IMPORTANT growth area.

There are 24 hours in a day, having a simple and easy schedule is going to be very important for you so you can FOCUS on expanding and complete this area in your life and putting this as DONE, so you can be completely at peace in this area and be free.

Let go of the negative emotions, FOCUS on the positive aspects, the pearls of wisdom you learned and move forward. Last week we discussed: “Release any resistance on things that did not workout and things you could have done better. STOP, SURRENDER and process the resistance gently and sit with it, diffuse it, dissolve it, let it go and TRANSFORM it To LOVE. Love is where we all come from. Practice LOVING Yourself and Every One unconditionally. Jesus taught this. Many other Spiritual Masters that have walked on our planet have also taught these teachings.” Having good energy so you can grow, expand and move forward. Be HAPPY, always remember the goods when it comes up in your mind.

Now you can FOCUS on what really matters in your life being a much wiser person. Your peace matters more than anything, Growing and expanding in your life being a much wiser person and LOVING yourself enough to care your peace is being cared for all time.

“May Self-Love Continually Bloom Withing The Rose Of Your Heart” ~ Mother Mary, The Sophia Code p. 168, Kaia Ra author of “The Sophia Code”

Here is a one schedule to try out in your new fitness journey:

Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat
Walk Outside Cardio 15 min Cardio 15 min Cardio 15 min Cardio 15 min Cardio 15 min Spinning
Yoga Mobility 10 min Mobility 10 min Mobility 10 min Mobility 10 min Mobility 10 min Bar Overhead Press 5 sets of 10 reps
Squat 3 to 5 sets of 10 reps Bench Press 5 sets of 10 reps Goodmorning 5 sets of 10 reps Push Up 5 sets of 10 reps Squat 3 sets of 12 reps Lat PD 5 sets of 10 reps
Abs 3 to 5 sets of 12 reps Bent Over Row 5 sets of 10 reps Abs 5 sets of 12 reps One Arm DB Row 5 sets of 10 reps Abs 3 sets of 15 reps
Yoga (evening) Yoga (evening)


Try this out for a week and see how you can progress this program week to week. You can try changing the set and rep scheme, changing some of the exercises and changing the exercise order. Enjoy the challenge and growth it brings you!



Daily Morning Routine

The beginning of the day is an opportunity to begin your new day with a fresh new start, to create new great things in your life. This is your life, so make the best of it! You must take control of your own life by taking the time to intend everything you desire: growing relationships with everyone in your life including soulmate, family, colleagues at work, your business, your team members and everyone you interact with during each and every day and everything else you desire in your life including your growth in  business, career, social life, spirituality, and other topics of importance to you.

What if your inner guidance is trying to tell you that you getting too busy in your life? This is  opportunity to STOP, SURRENDER, BE AWARE and RESUME CONTROL. I learned that from Richard Fettke in his great book Extreme Success.

When we stop, surrender and become aware of where we are currently standing, we have an opportunity to make new changes we desire in our life. To become aware of what is currently happening in your life, take inventory of the things that are happening that are good and things you want to change. Look at this from a positive perspective. This is a new opportunity to grow in this specific area of your life. Take time out and do this as part of your self-care routine. As you do this process, go deeper and look more inside of yourself you’ll find new pearls of wisdom, that are your new gifts of transformation in your life. Spend however long it takes until you “feel” you have explored the new pearls that feel as your inner guidance is confirming to you in a loving way.

Below is a list of my morning routine I do on most of my days in each week:

  1. Wakeup | Appreciate Grateful Thankful With An Open Heart Family and All Things In Your Life | Oil Pulling | Brush Teeth | Make Bed | Plank for 1 to 2 minutes | Foam Roll Back Up Down 20 times
  2. Meditate 5 to 20 minutes
  3. Workout 30 minutes to 90 minutes
  4. Shower
  5. Journal
  6. Read or Listen To Audio Book 20 minutes
  7. Post Workout Meal or Health Shake
  8. Enterprise Entrepreneur Development 20 minutes
  9.  Work

This is just a guide, so do not be rigid. This is a tool to be intentional in life. Sometimes I do some of these things in different times of the day so I can be flexible and go with the flow of life.

At the end of the day reflect all the wonderful things you created and did. Celebrate all the wins! Release any resistance on things that did not workout and things you could have done better. STOP, SURRENDER and process the resistance gently and sit with it, diffuse it, dissolve it, let it go and TRANSFORM it To LOVE. Love is where we all come from. Practice LOVING Yourself and Every One unconditionally. Jesus taught this. Many other Spiritual Masters that have walked on our planet have also taught these teachings.
