Hello Warriors,
As the fall season approaches the weather is cooling down, all Warrior Logs are calling all Warriors to awaken them from their slumber!
I have started training my first Warrior Log client Anthony last weekend outside on a beautiful day. We have used various Warrior Logs and exotic Warrior Log exercises to stimulate his adaptation to training.
Anthony has over 10 years of strength training experience, he has worked with many great trainers including me. Currently he is regularly training in a great gym in New York City with a great trainer named Eddie. He took a plunge and decided to give Warrior Log training a go and he came out to “Strong Island” to deeply immerse himself with nature’s beast, The Warrior Log.
Training outside promotes vigor and change from training indoors as the common theme for gym rats. Getting fresh air into your lungs while pursing feats of Warrior Log strength. This a great way to break up your training rut and stimulate your training results all while having fun!
Check out all pics below as Anthony pushes his body into the Warrior Log zone.
Warrior Log Push Press
Warrior Anthony Gets Ready To Attack!
Warrior Anthony Meditating Into A Warrior State of Mind…
Prepping for the Warrior Log Floor Press
Warrior Log Front Squat: Warrior Anthony Easily Lowers Himself Into Rock Bottom Position
Warrior Log Floor Press
Warrior Log Floor Bent Over Row
Warrior Log Pullup: Warrior Anthony Grabbing the Bull By Its Horns
Warrior Anthony Looking Pretty With the Warrior Log
Warrior Log Shoulder Walk: Warrior Anthony Finalizing the Workout
Happy Warrior Log training!